Category Archives: whats happening

Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Guitarist Howard Leese

We are VERY excited to announce that Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame member guitarist Howard Leese from Heart and recently guitarist for Paul Rodgers and the “Raiding The Rock Vault” show in Las Vegas joined RRO for a guitar solo on the song “Alexanders’ Symphony”! This song is yet…

August 31, 2013

RRO is trying to find radio contacts and media sources that might be able to help with the new “Renaissance Rock Orchestra” crowdfunding program to complete the RRO album. This campaign on will begin September 20th and run through Oct. 20th. Radio, print, TV, blogs, emails, ezines, posts …anything…

What’s Happening

Well, we are both ahead AND behind schedule! 3 RRO songs have been released so far: Johann Sebastian Rock First Light J.S. Rock ( the short version of “Johann Sebastian Rock”) RRO has the instrumental tracks all recorded for “The Author Of Mystery”! We just need to mix the instrumentals…